If you have any art...
I will feature ALL OF IT here, plus, for the time being, everyone who enters gets a RANDOM small prize! ^.^
OK, I sounded like AJHQ O>O
Well, let's keep my amazing impression strong :D
Send all of your AMAZING art to Cleverqueenjamaa@gmail.com and who knows? Maybe YOUR art will be FEATURED on this PAGE!
Good luck!
Art so far:
Both by Silverdawn. ^.^
Silverdawn, email or contact me somehow to let me know what type of prize I could possibly give you, since I have no idea what websites you are on xD
Hey CleverQueen! Can I show you my devianart page instead? I'll email you the page if you want or post it here.
Okay :D
DeleteReally sorry I haven't responded,since it was anoymous I couldn't see if you replied or not. So here are some links:http://floracakez.deviantart.com/art/Oc-For-Lily-390079209?q=gallery%3AFloracakez%2F42982407&qo=15 ; http://floracakez.deviantart.com/art/Fieryflier-389800082?q=gallery%3AFloracakez%2F42982407&qo=16
Delete*Also you can just go on my gallery and pcik the art.~ :)
Here are the URLs to some of my drawings: