I hope you are doing well XD
Today's member new item is the lantern, sold in the Outback Imports store!

That item is so... awesome, yet member D: I think all Jammers should have the right to a lantern .-.
Lastly, before I sign off, here is a list of times I am likely to be on at.
To check what time it is where I am (GMT,London), look for the gadget on the RIGHT side of the blog. >
Server: When I am an active trader, I will be on Aldan, and it is also a good server to derp around, but if I'm not trading nor derping (actually no, I'm always derping,) I will be on Comet. Sometimes I land my Pink furry butt on Tigris. Mostly on Comet or Aldan, but only my buddies know for sure. Look out for me! >:D
Land: If on Aldan, you never know,because I am likely to be trading. If on Comet or Tigris, well, I love all lands equally well, but I will either be in my den (Locked until I put something in it xD)
or Crystal sands, Jamaa Township or Mount Shiveer. Just look for me.
7-9am, I will be on for about an hour, mostly more.
11am-12am, I won't be on consistently, just look for me! XD
Bye .-.
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