Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Stack of books

Hey there!
Sorry for no posts, lazy me takes over.
I see many of you are back to school, I'm not. I have until September 3. But, as some of you know, I finished on July 24, some of you finished In June O_O
The idea of school in August sounds strange to me xD
Anyway, today's item is a PERFECT reminder of school, but it's great too!
Ladies and gentlemen...
Predicted from adventures, reminds me of the books from beta times.
High five, AJHQ! ^.^
Today'side topic is a pretty cool addition to the adventures!
You can now win cool prizes! ^.^
People say there is a special order... Don't trust them! There isn't!
Chests 2 and 4 tend to give out gems.

Did you ever get anything rare? I did! ^3^
Jam on!

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