Monday, 5 August 2013

Hey Jammers!
Sorry if this post seems 'late', It's about 3am where AJHQ is :3
Anyway, today is rare item Monday, bringing us...
As predicted...
The amazing, blue, backpack-y, non member backpack! It's still expensive though >o< I bought it anyway :)
I kinda prefer when the adventures don't predict items because I always take new items as a daily surprise. Or whatever.
Now for the side topic, I'm going to talk about those pixels that everyone wants- also known as rares.

Sure, we all want rares. Admit it.  Yup, they make you look 'cool' and are fun to have...
But are they really that important? O_o

So many people want Spiked collars, headdresses or worn blankets these days. Just go into Aldan or another server, you are bound to see something like this...

tfg666 attempting to scam

Yeah, but would you pick rares over family or friends? Definitely not. If you would, go see someone. Seriously. 
Friends are important. You never realise it until they're gone- right? x3
Some Jammers even say they NEED rares. No one NEEDS rares.
Lady, let me tell you just what you need...
  • FOOD
  • LOVE
There is no word rares up there, smart one :P
Anyway, this concludes the post- I need some sleep.
See ya! <3

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