Saturday, 10 August 2013

Spiked Wristband

Hey Jammers!
Welcome to the latest post in AJC history, and also one that has a title :P
Anyway, I suspected today's item would be in Kimbara Imports, but no, it's in the Diamond shop...
It's spiky...
Goes on your furry wrist...
It's popular...


For today's side topic, it's about when you began XD
So... here are the questions...
1.Which week of pregnancy did you come out? I came out on week 39 or 38, I don't know.
2.What was your due date? Mine was October 9.
3.How long did it take you to get born? It took me almost 13 hours >:P It took my sister less than an hour though O-o
4.When did you come out? I came out on Friday,October 3,2001,7.50am... precise much? XD
5.And finally... were you yellow 0-3 days after  birth? I was super yellow XD
 It's a surprise my parent's didn't call me Lemon O.o Or Banana.

That concludes the post, bye and hope to see you round Jamaa! ^-^

1 comment:

  1. hi!
    i just discovered this AJ blog and its epic! :D keep up the good work! ^.^


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